2. What is furnace heat release?
3. What can you do with a 3rd Class engineer’s license
4. Explain a reaction turbine?
5. Explain how a surface condenser operates, and how it effects turbine operations.
6. What is a quick way to find heating surface of a boiler?
7. What is a rotary pump? How does it work?
8. Describe two ways to find the content of a fuel?
9. How Many BTU's in a horsepower hour & kilowatt hour? What is PH? If PH goes from 10 to 11 what does this mean?
10. What are the safety requirements as to number and capacity of a boiler? 625 sq ft of heating surface and is operating at 125 psi.
11. How is the heating value of fuel determined? Give two ways.
12. Is there a pressure drop on both sides of an impulse turbine blade?
13. Explain an oil relay governor?
14. How is a turbine determined to be 50 horse power by the state of Massachusetts?
15. What is the purpose of a main condenser?
16. Which of these type of turbines are velocity compound turbine, Curtis, Reteau, or Parsons ?
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Remember it is how the applicants remembered the questions. Note: Exams are not the original content may be different.